Professional Web Development with ASP.NET Core MVC & EF Core

Angular App Development
  • Introduction to .NET Framework and .NET Core
  • .NET Core for Cross-Platform Development
  • Introduction to ASP.NET Core
  • Evolution of ASP, ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core
  • Any developer, any app, any platform
  • Name and version number of .NET platform
  • .NET Standard Library + Tooling
  • .NET Framework & .NET Core high level overview
  • ASP.NET Core High-Level Overview
  • Code Compilation Process
  • ASP.NET Core Features in Detail
  • Introduction to Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core
  • Introduction to Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio Code
  • Installer, Project file, Template, Configuration file, dotnet CLI etc.
  • What is MVC?
  • Introduction to design Pattern
  • What is framework and differences between framework and library
  • Component of MVC design pattern
  • Introduction to Model, View and Controller and their responsibility.
  • ASP.NET MVC and its feature
  • Introduction to web application architecture, request and response
  • How an application works?
  • How separation of concern benefit us?
  • What are Views?
  • Responsibility of Views
  • Benefits of Using Views
  • Creating a View
  • Content of a View File
  • What is Layout?
  • How to create a Layout?
  • Specifying a Layout
  • Layout property of Razor views
  • Introduction to RenderBody,Section, RenderSection etc.
  • Ignoring sections
  • About _ViewStart.cshtml file
  • Razor Directives, Importing Shared Directives
  • About _ViewImports.cshtml file
  • Passing Data from Controller to View
  • Introduction to ViewBag and ViewData
  • Usages of TempData, ViewBag and ViewData
  • Razor View Engine, Razor Syntax
  • Symbol to transition from HTML to C#
  • Implicit Razor expressions
  • Explicit Razor expressions
  • Expression encoding
  • Razor code blocks
  • Implicit transitions
  • Explicit transition
  • Transitions in decision and Control Structures
  • Comments in Razor Syntax
  • What is a Controller ?
  • Responsibility of a Controller
  • Action Methods and Action Results
  • ActionResult vs IActionResult
  • ViewResult, JsonResult, ContentResult, EmptyResult,
  • RedirectResult, RedirectToActionResult, BadRequestResult
  • FileResult, FileContentResult, FileStreamResult
  • Dependency Injection in Controller
  • Implicit Dependencies Principle
  • Explicit Dependencies Principle
  • Constructor Injection
  • Action Injection
  • What is a Model?
  • Responsibility of a Model
  • Introduction to Model binding
  • How Model binding works?
  • Data Sources To Bind Request Data
  • Form values, Route values, Query strings
  • Bind Request Data
  • Customize Model Binding With Attributes
  • [BindRequired], [BindNever]
  • Exact Binding source [FromHeader], [FromQuery], [FromRoute], [FromForm]
  • [FromServices], [FromBody] etc.
  • What happens Inside Model Binding?
  • Value providers and Model Binders activities.
  • What is Model Validation?
  • Why Model Validation?
  • Where Model Validation ?
  • Introduction to Validation Attributes
  • How Model validation works?
  • Example of Model with Validation Attributes
  • Built-in Validation Attributes
  • System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Namespace for validation attributes
  • Model State and Handling Model State
  • Manual Validation and Custom validation
  • Client side validation and Remote validation
  • What is Routing?
  • Routing in ASP.NET Core
  • Routing Basics
  • Router Middleware
  • Incoming request, Route Handlers, RouteAsync Method, Route collection
  • Creating Default Routes
  • Extending Default Routes
  • Using Attributes
  • Building RESTful Routes
  • Using Constraints
  • What is LINQ ?
  • Types Of LINQ
  • LINQ Architecture IN .NET
  • Why LINQ ?
  • The building blocks of LINQ
  • LINQ Query Syntax
  • LINQ Lamda Syntax
  • How LINQ to SQL works?
  • Deferred execution
  • LINQ Query Operators
  • Entity Framework Core
  • What is ORM?
  • Introduction to Entity Framework Core
  • Conceptual Model, Storage Model, Mapping
  • Entity Framework Core in two scenarios
  • Domain Model and Database
  • Domain Model Approaches
  • Code First and Database First Approach
  • Concept of DBContext
  • Introduction to Scaffolding
  • Entity Framework Architecture
  • Create the Model
  • Register context with dependency injection
  • Add Migration and Create Database
  • Introduction to Asynchronous Code
  • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous code
  • Introduction to async and await
  • Entity States, No-tracking Queries etc.
  • What is Authentication
  • Authentication in ASP.NET Core
  • Identity on ASP.NET Core
  • Configure Identity
  • Introduction to Authorization
  • Authorization Types
  • Authorization Namespace
  • What is Role?
  • Different Types of Authorization
  • Simple Authorization
  • Role based Authorization
  • Claims-Based Authorization
  • Custom Policy-Based Authorization
  • Resource Based Authorization
  • View Based Authorization
  • How to add role checks?
  • Policy based role checks
  • How to add claims checks?
  • Multiple Policy Evaluation etc.
  • Deploy WEB Application in Remote Server
  • Publishing and packaging Web API
  • Configuring Server
  • Deploying the Application and GO Live
  • Introduction about project
  • Project plan, approach and methodology identification
  • Setting up the Project environment
  • Conceptualization of requirements and develop requirements specification
  • Designing solution in detail
  • Development or construction based on the design
  • Testing and debugging the Application
  • Deploy Application to server